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1 Aufrufe· 30/08/24· FILMSCHATZARCHIV

Brugge - Bruges 1972 - Heilig Bloedprocessie - Procession of the holy blood


Extraordinary good footage from Bruges/Belgium. The Holy blood procession in 1972, filmed by René Lebeau. The Procession of the Holy Blood is a catholic ceremony going back to late 13th. or early 14th century, when a liquid relic which was believed to be blood of Jesus, was taken into the city. More than 3,000 people of Bruges participate in the spectacle, which is also called "Brugges Schoonste Dag" (Dutch for "The Most Beautiful Day of Bruges"). Today the biblical parade has the status of a UNESCO cultural heritage. Archive requests: archiv@koelnprogramm.de Parts of the video contain Music by Gustav Mahler, 5. Sinfonie, Adaggio, Symfonieorchester Radio Luxemburg, Dirigent: Pierre Cao, Muscalia Germany ZM12103 Licenced by koelnprogramm GmbH & Co. KG

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