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1 Aufrufe· 30/08/24· FILMSCHATZARCHIV

Hermannsdenkmal 1976 - Hermann Monument - Detmold - Teutoburger Wald


Besuch beim Hermannsdenkmal im Jahr 1976, visit at The Hermann Monument in the year 1976. It was finished in 1875 and commemorates the Cherusci war chief Arminius (in German, Hermann) and the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in which the Germanic warriors under Arminius defeated three Roman legions under Varus in 9 AD. At the time it was built, the location of the statue was believed to have been very near the actual site of the battle, though it is now considered to be more likely that the battle actually took place near Kalkriese. Footage available for broadcasting and exhibitions. Requests: archiv@koelnprogramm.de

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