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1 Aufrufe· 30/08/24· FILMSCHATZARCHIV

Köln - Cologne 1896 - Lumière - 1st montage in filmhistory - Missing link found


Dieser Clip wurde unter Filmhistorikern kürzlich gefeiert! (deutscher Text weiter unten). This clip had recently been considered as sensational amoung filmhistorians: Cologne/Germany in the year 1896. This scene shows the ponton bridge across the Rhine river from three camera positions. One of these shots remained unpublished for more than 122 years and was brought to light by the research of the Cologne based journalist and filmmaker Hermann Rheindorf in winter 2018. Now this shot complets the first montage of three shots in filmhistory, filmed in Sept. 1896. Cameraman Constant Girel operated on behalf of the filmpioneers, the Lumiére Brothers from Lyon, France. Girel, back then a student of 27 years, planned to portrait the ponton bridge in its environment and its function in a sequence of three shots. Shot number one and number three are well known in the filmheritage. The first shot was taken from a steamer roling down the Rhine ending with a panoramic view of the ponton bridge. This shot itself can be considered as the first cameraride in history. Now the missing link, shot number two, comes into effect, showing the pontonbridge from the riverbank. The bridge is open and a huge streamer is passing the bridge. The cameraposition of shot number three is on the ramp and Girel is starting to film when the bridge is closed for the boats and opened for traffic from land to land. Rheindorf himself researched the Lumiére catalogues during the 2000er years, but he did not know that there were also catalogues of unliststed items and outtakes. It had been the idea of Ingo Stollwerck from the chocolatier family to pick up the research for lost items. Back in the 1890s Stollwerck had the exclusive rights to publish the Lumiére films in Germany,. The particular filmreel was found in a tin at CNC Archives. The discovery had been possible with the support of the german film historian Prof. Martin Loiperdinger who, back in the 1980s did the basic research on all Germany-based Lumiére items, with the support of Dr. Martin Koerber from the Deutsche Kinemathek Archives Berlin, with the efforts of Mrs. Dominique Moustacchi from CNC archives and last but not least with the support of Mr. Thierry Fremaux, director of Institut Lumiére. Now the complete scene is part of the documentary: Filmreise in das alte Köln, Part 2 (Filmjourney into old Cologne 2.) available on DVD and VoD: http://www.rheindvd.de/dvd/filmreise-in-das-alte-koeln-2/ Im Dezember 2017 bat Ingo Stollwerck aus der Schokoladen-Dynastie, Rheindorf die Suche nach verlorenen Filmszenen doch noch einmal aufzunehmen. In den 1890er Jahren hatte Stollwerck die Exklusivrechte die Lumiére-Filme in Deutschland aufzuführen. Die Entdeckung war mit Unterstützung des deutschen Filmhistorikers Prof. Martin Loiperdinger möglich, der bereits in den 1980er Jahren die Grundlagenforschung zu allen in Deutschland gedrehten Lumiére-Filmen durchgeführt hatte, die betreffende Filmdose aber nicht öffnen durfte. Unterstützung erfuhr dieses Projekt auch von Dr. Martin Koerber von der Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin. Vor allem aber waren es die Bemühungen des Teams um Frau Dominique Moustacchi aus den CNC-Archiven und nicht zuletzt von Thierry Fremaux, Direktor des Instituts Lumiére, die dieses fasizinerende Ergebnis ermöglichten. Nun ist die komplette Szene Teil des Dokumentarfilms: Filmreise in das alte Köln, Teil 2 auf DVD und VoD: http://www.rheindvd.de/dvd/filmreise-in-das- alte-koeln-2 /

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