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Vaccination side effects: the long-term consequences are becoming increasingly visible

0 Aufrufe • 22/06/24 • 00:27:59
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What is hidden in the new mRNA vaccines, that were forced upon millions of people during the Corona period? The possible side effects are yet clear – not even for the manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry. In an interview with Thomas Eglinski, the mRNA-critical pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole explains the facts and presents the results of his studies. He explains in a comprehensible way possible fatal side effects that an mRNA injection can trigger in the human body. The biologist Dr. Jessica Rose also carried out an investigation into vaccine side effects through wide-ranging studies. She placed a special focus on the occurrence of autoimmune diseases and cases of myocarditis, which occurred particularly frequently in one group. #vaccination #side #effects #the #longterm #consequences #are #becoming #increasingly #visible #auf1 #news

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