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0 Aufrufe· 19/09/24· Oliver Janich

Fighting for truth, not money - Activist Monica Smit joins Gareth Icke Tonight

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This week That’s Gareth Icke Tonight… Former Sniper, war zone security and military veteran Warren Thornton joins us to talk about the intentional escalation towards war with Russia, Iran, and China, What does all this sabre rattling mean for us all? Former heavyweight boxer David Rodriguez speaks to us about his career, his battles with alcoholism and depression, as well as his sobriety and journey back from the brink. We also spoke about politics, the state of the US, and biological males in female sports. And Australian freedom activist Monica Smit will be talking to us about spending 22 days in prison for sharing a protest poster on facebook, and her ongoing court case against the Victoria government in relation to that ridiculous jail sentence, That’s Gareth Icke tonight, Thursday at 5pm UK on ickonic.com

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