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2 Aufrufe· 25/06/24· AUF1

Gene therapy: The truth about the WHO

7 Abonnenten

NordVPN: 👉 [Schau gerne mal rein]

Dr Aseem Malhotra and Steve Kirsch - two luminaries of the global resistance against the Great Reset and the WHO. In an interview with Thomas Eglinski, the two experts provide detailed insights into their revelations and background research on the WHO and how it is controlled by the pharmaceutical lobby and powerful players. Steve Kirsch is a fierce critic of the mRNA gene injection and can clearly prove the side effects and dangers based on a wide range of studies. As a cardiologist, Dr Aseem has already been confronted with numerous people who have been injured by forced gene injections and advocates a health policy that puts the health of patients first instead of profits and financial interests.

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