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1 Aufrufe· 30/08/24· FILMSCHATZARCHIV

Cologne March 1945 - Tank Duel at the Cathedral - The Source - The book


No other research has shaped the perspective on the battle of Cologne in March 1945 like this piece of history in your hands. Take a look in the most cited research of Adam Makos´novel "Spearhead". Finally available in english as ebook and printed book: https://store.bookbaby.com/book/march-1945-duel-at-the-cathedral March 1945 - Duel at the Cathedral. Witness the U.S. troops advancing from the outskirts of the city to the banks of the Rhine and the fascinating research of the Cologne based journalist and film historian Herman Rheindorf. 366 fully illustrated pages. Also available: March 1945 - Duel at the Cathedral - the complete film edition. VoD (Stream & Download): www.vimeo.com/channels/colognehistory Requests: archiv@koelnprogramm.de

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