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0 Aufrufe· 30/08/24· FILMSCHATZARCHIV

The history of Ford in Cologne - Ford during the 1930s & WWII - The post war era - 1950s, 60s, 70s


The thrilling history of Ford on the Rhine starting with Henry Fords visit in Oct. 1931 and the human stories of the first generation of his workers during the founding years, the nazi era, wwII until the 1970s. Featured eye witnesses: Agathe Herr, Ford´s first female lorry driver during the war and the mechanic Fritz Theilen, half a century on Fords payrole, he had to work hand in hand with foreign slave labors and was a well known saboteur of Ford´s military production. A documentary by the Cologne based journalist Hermann Rheindorf. On this channel also available in: Spanish https://youtu.be/_sb2dk0o2z4 , in Arab:https://youtu.be/KUDhMdkYp7c Coming up: the complete german edition of 100 min. length. Requests: archiv@koelnprogramm.de

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